The foundation of Shusha

Shusha was founded in 1752 by Karabakh Khan Panahali Khan, arising from the need for a capital-fortress with strong defense capabilities from a military-strategic point of view. Thus, the foundation of the Karabakh Khanate as an independent, Turkish, feudal state was laid in 1747 by the I Karabakh Khan Panahali Khan Javanshir. After that, Panahali Khan built Bayat and then Shahbulag castles as the capital of the khanate. In a short period of time, the Karabakh khanate develops into one of the strongest khanates of Azerbaijan with its military might and created own army. Since the strong khanate needed a capital with a more strategic location, Panahali Khan founded a fortress-city in 1752 on the top of a high mountain located in the most desolate place of Karabakh with elevation between 1300 to 1600 meters above sea level. Thus, Panahali Khan moved the capital of the Karabakh Khanate to a new castle. The city was first called Panahabad, and then Shusha. During the reign of Panahali Khan, until 1763, many monuments, defense dams and fortresses were built in Shusha. In the later stage, i.e. 19th century, new quarters were built and have gradually developed Shusha into as a city. As a result, 17 quarters were built in Shusha. Every quarter had a mosque, a bath and a spring. Houses built in Shusha were always distinct by their magnificence, the streets were paved with stones. In the 19th Shusha city had its own master-plan, maintaining strict control and compliance with the urban planning rules. The houses were built only from local marble stone, making houses look more magnificent and unique, including their size, grid-style windows, wide and eye-catching balconies, stone-carved decor elements between the floors. The city with numerous mosques, springs, baths, and madrasas (religious schools) soon becomes the commercial center of the Caucasus. After the death of Panahali Khan, during his reign Ibrahimkhalil Khan Javanshir further developed the city, building new roads and larger mansions.

Quarters of Shusha: 

1. Seyidli; 2. Guyuluq; 3. Gurdlar; 4. Xoja Mircanlı; 5. Chuxur; 6. Haji Yusifli; 7. Dordlar Gurdu; 8. Aghadadali; 9. Chol gala; 10. Julfalar; 11. Mamayı; 12. Mardinli; 13. Saatlı; 14. Damirchilar; 15. Hamamqabaghi; 16. Taza mahalla; 17. Kocharli. 

Seventeen in total. As we can see, Shusha did not become a city as a result an expansion of a small settlement. Since the early days it was founded as a city. However, in addition to these developments, Shusha was also turned into a cultural city by its founders. For this reason, architects, nobles, intellectuals, artists, scientists, musicians, teachers and other artists were first invited here. People who wanted to contribute to the fdevelopment of this new city found a very conducive environment here. Many of them demonstrated great courage and enthusiasm, and in a result a city was built on a very complex terrain. Thus, as we can see, a group of devoted people pledged efforts to found and build a city, as well as later created a different Shusha society. As a result, a new Azerbaijani city was created, very beautiful in every sense, keeping pace with developed medieval European cities. A sufficient number of schools and madrasahs were opened, boosting city development in a very short period. Thus, a large army of intellectuals was formed in Shusha. They played an indispensable role in the recognition of our Azerbaijan on a world scale and in the development of our Azerbaijan.